Category:Construction -> Construction materials -> Others Country:All countries Featured companiesBUTIMEX-BIS S.C. [polish] [english]
Producer of foil tunnels, garden pergolas and irrigation systems.[...]
SPETECH Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
SPETECH is an engineering company established in 1988 offering production, services and comprehensive deliveries relating to asbestos-free industrial sealing solutions.
Now SPETECH offers a comprehensive customer service program including not only product sales but also consulting, training and assembly and operation supervision for the end-user. We are carrying out this mission through a network of high-class engineers, recognized to be one of the best in the European national sealing consulting[...]
PPHU ELEKTROM [polish] [english]
We have got the pleasure to present You our private enterprise, dealing in production, trade and service.
Grażyna and Mieczysław Wozny.
Our enterprise came into being in 1974 to function as a electricity plant service, with time, it started also production. Since 1993 the enterprise has not only got a second base with enormous storage and great amount of equipment but also broadened the assortment of its products.
We are now one of the leading manufacturers producing sets[...]
Witamy Państwa
Firma Budex istnieje na rynku budowlanym od wielu lat. Zajmujemy się DYSTRYBUCJĄ HYDROIZOLACYJNYCH MATERIAŁÓW BUDOWLANYCH I GEOSYNTETYKÓW.
Obecnie współpracujemy z grupą około 200 składów budowlanych i firm wykonawczych.
W naszej ofercie znajdziecie Państwo: geowłókniny, geosiatki, membrany dachowe, folie budowlane, folie dachowe, basenowe (do oczek wodnych), paroizolacyjne, siatki podtynkowe, membrany do izolacji poziomej i pionowej fundamentów, geomembrany,[...]
Metalzbyt Polska Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
Metalzbyt Polska Sp. z o.o. (Metalzbyt Polska Ltd.) is one of the biggest commercial companies in the south-east Poland. The company takes pride in its over 50-year-old tradition as a state-owned enterprise and since 2000 the company has been functioning as a private company whose owner is "IŻYNIERIA" Rzeszów Ltd. The seat of the company and its warehouses are located in Rzeszów at 11 Przemysłowa Street.
The beginnings of the company is its commercial activity within the scope of[...]
Zakład Produkcyjno - Handlowy EL-SPA Wiesław Krauzowicz
Jesteśmy jedną z kilku firm w Polsce, które zajmują się kompleksową budową i wyposażeniem basenów, saun i wanien z hydromasażem w oparciu o najlepsze technologie renomowanych firm polskich i zagranicznych.
Nasza firma istnieje na polskim rynku od 1992 roku. Posiadamy wieloletnie doświadczenie, a wachlarz naszych usług jest bogaty i zadowoli najbardziej wybrednego klienta.
Szczegółowy zakres świadczonych przez nas usług obejmuje
+ budowy basenów,
+ foliowania[...]
BUDREX-METAL Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
I would like to present the company Budrex-Metal Limited Liability Company with its headquarters in Toruń at Wapienna street. The company that has the experience of 16 years in designing, producing and delivering ferroconcrete prefabricated elements such as: columns, column-footings, beams, Feligree and hollowcore slabs, etc. as well as the ready-mixed concrete. We run the business particularly in the district, but we cover as well the area in the radius of 300 km from Toruń.
Till the begining[...]
Sun Asia Enterprise Co., Ltd. was established in 1990. We are specialized in manufacturing Polycarbonate products. Sun Asia is committed to manufacture special quality by using the latest and up to date technology. We have a complete line of products, ranging from Polycarbonate sheets, Hollow sheets, Frosted sheets, Embossed sheet, Matte sheet, Heat-reflective sheet and Diffusion sheet. We assure good quality products & provided best services to meet our customer's requirements.
*Nov 2011,[...]